selling Ink Printer Overview Ribbon Premium Black Fargo DTC4500e
Black Fargo Ribbon Premium DTC4500e is a single-color black or text printed ribbon on ID cards and badges. Black Fargo Ribbon Premium DTC4500e has a compatible ribbon with Fargo DTC4500 card printers and DTC4500e card printers. Includes a clear display panel that includes your Badge ID with a thin protective film for plastic cards that lasts longer and lasts longer than the standard card.
Ribbon Premium Black Fargo DTC4500 has RFID technology. This technology can provide harmony and errors in the ID Card printing process. The RFID feature also serves to ease the installation with the Fargo DTC4500 printer.
Ribbon Premium Black Fargo DTC4500 has original parts from Fargo that function properly. Premium Black Fargo DTC4500 ribbon with P / N: 45201 can print 3000 images per card.
Ribbon Premium Black Fargo DTC4500e has a high capacity to print full color cards twice as much as most card printers. In the previous card printer the ribbon must be replaced. This is used to optimize visualization and produce 1250 clear text and images with a clear protective layer. Like all ribbon Fargo, easy installation of Ribbon Premium Black Fargo DTC4500e. It also includes cleaning the roller easily for maintenance of Fargo DTC4500e card printers
Specifications of Black Fargo DTC4500e Premium Ribbon
Black Premium Fargo Ribbon DTC4500e produces 1250 Single-color, Single-Sided ID Cards with a clear protective layer
Compatible with Fargo DTC4500 card printers
Including the function of cleaning the roller
Premium Black Ribbon P / N: 45201 - 1 Black ribbon panel.
Can produce up to 3000 images per roll.